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A scholarly documentation of Albert Einstein’s plagiarism of the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist discloses Einstein’s method for manipulating credit for the work of his contemporaries, reprints the prior works he parroted, and demonstrates through formal logical argument that Albert Einstein could not have drawn the conclusions he drew without prior knowledge of the works he copied, but failed to reference. Numerous republished quotations from Einstein’s contemporaries prove that they were aware of his plagiarism. The book includes 567 endnotes, countless references and an index.

“As a matter of fact, reading this text should be a must for all people professionally interested in the history of Physics or of Science (for these readers the book, its “polemical” thesis notwithstanding, could become an indispensable tool, packed as it is with information, quotations, meticulous references, etc.), but it is highly recommended even to teachers, scientists of all kinds, philosophers, epistemologists, in general to every person interested in the evolution of human civilization and knowledge.” — Professor Umberto Bartocci in his review of Albert Einstein: the Incorrigible Plagiarist.

. . . “Albert Einstein the Incorrigible Plagiarist suggests that Einstein had a tendency to incorporate the work of contemporary scientists without properly crediting them, and even offers a body of evidence that his wife, Mileva Einstein-Marity, was the true author of his attributed works. Albert Einstein The Incorrigible Plagiarist is a fascinating, albeit controversial treatise, packed cover to cover with meticulous references to document and support its seemingly outrageous claim.” — Midwest Book Review.

In 1997, noted Einstein scholars Leo Corry, Juergen Renn and John Stachel attempted to rewrite the history of the gravitational field equations of the general theory of relativity. Their radical revisionism was largely based on a set of printer’s proofs of an important paper by the world-famous mathematician David Hilbert, in which Hilbert published the field equations of general relativity five days before Einstein copied them from Hilbert. Corry, Renn and Stachel claimed that these printer’s proofs of Hilbert’s paper did not contain the equations which appeared in Hilbert’s final published paper. However, in their 1997 article in the journal Science, “Belated Decision in the Hilbert-Einstein Priority Dispute,” Corry, Renn and Stachel failed to disclose the fact that these printer’s proofs were mutilated, and are missing a critical part–the very part which contained the equations Corry, Renn and Stachel claimed Hilbert did not know. Anticipations of Einstein in the General Theory of Relativity refutes the baseless historical revisionism of Corry, Renn and Stachel, and proves that Einstein did not originate any of the major concepts of the general theory of relativity by comparing the original source material by Einstein and his predecessors. Einstein even fudged his equations in order to achieve the results others had published long before him.

Albert Einstein Biography

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